Gruppi di ricerca
AGED: 1000 Ancient Italian Genomes: Evidence from ancient biomolecules for unravelling past human population Dynamics
Archeologia della Morte in Illiria ed Epiro
Archeometria e metodologie fisiche per i beni culturali
Bibliotheca Disciplinata
Bisanzio e l’Oriente mediterraneo (BOM)
Books within Books (BwB)
BYLLIS- EU for Economic Development - Tourism-led, local, economic development, with a focus on Cultural Heritage
Colorful Souls. Sensitivity, Materiality, and Symbolism in the Colors of the Middle Ages (400- 1500)
DARE. Digital environment for collaborative Alliances to Regenerate urban Ecosystems in middle-sized cities
Dizionario storico-critico dei mondi di lavoro/Dictionnaire historique et critique des mondes du travail (Italia -Francia)
ECHC – European Citizenship, Heritage and Culture
Eranshahr: uomo, ambiente e società nell’Iran arsacide e sasanide
Esposizioni Universali in Europa XIX- XX secolo
Enfermements. Histoire comparée des enfermements monastiques et carcéraux. Comparer les enfermements monastiques et carcéraux
EU Border Care. Intimate Encounters in EU Borderlands: Migrant Maternity, Sovereignty and the Politics of Care on Europe’s Periphery
FIDO: Following Dog Domestication Origin and dynamics from Late Pleistocene in Italy
For the Interpretation of the textual legacy of the 17th-19th Centuries European Religious Missions. Georgia from the Perspective of Early Global History and Modernity. Georgian Cultural and Material Heritage Research
Genere e Religioni
Guercino beyond color
GubbioStudiolo. Ipotesi ricostruttive digitali e sonore di un microcosmo umanistico
HDN. Hypermedia Dante Network (HDN): fonti e materiali per commentare Dante
IMPACT HAU. The Hau of Finance: Impact investing and the globalisation of social and environmental sustainability
IMS (International Musicological Society) Study Group on musical Iconography
INAIL BRIC id. 21/2019 “Medici e scienziati italiani nell’organizzazione internazionale del lavoro. l’Italia e la costruzione di un sistema globale per la salute e sicurezza al lavoro (1919- 1999)”
Insular Episcopates Church, Maritime Environment, and Economic Life in the Southern Aegean Islands (AD 300 – 800 ca.)
International Musicological Society (IMS)
Istituzioni ecclesiastiche e culture cristiane in Europa e nel Mediterraneo
I lunedì degli Ariani
Laboratorio di storia culturale e religiosa «I lunedì degli Ariani»
La musica dipinta
Le opere e lo sguardo
Les cultures de l’Assurance XIXe -XXe siècle
Littérature et culture matérielle XIXe-XXIe siècle
LOCAL FLAVOURS - Authentic tourism based on local cultural flavours
MARINAPLAN PLUS - Reliable and innovative technology for the realization of a sustainable MARINe And coastal seabed management PLAN
Metodologie del Digital Heritage
Metodologie fisiche per i beni culturali
MOISA. International Society for the Study of Greek and Roman Music and Its Cultural Heritage
Mulier fortis, mulier docta. Hibridismo literario y resistencia en las comunidades carmelitas posteresiana (siglos XVI-XVII
Musica nei racconti di viaggio
Nature and Landscape of Italy in Roman Culture from Augustus to Trajan
PROCRAFT: PROject Protection and Conservation of Heritage AirCRAFT
Progetto Pinqasim
Ravenna e l’area adriatica tra Medioevo e Rinascimento
REACH - Improving REsearch capacities of Albanian higher education institutions in conservation and restoration of Cultural Heritage
RIMAnt: Repertorium Instrumentorum Musicorum Antiquorum
Sacrifice in the Europe of the religious conflicts and in the early modern world: comparisons, interpretations, legitimations
SeaChanges: “Thresholds in Human Exploitation of Marine Vertebrates"
SEAMoBB - Solutions for sEmi-Automated Monitoring of Benthic Biodiversity
SHELTER - Sustainable Historic Environments hoListic reconstruction through Technological Enhancement and community based Resilience
Studi danteschi
SUCCESS. The earliest migration of Homo sapiens in Southern EUrope: understanding the bioCultural proCesses that define our uniquEneSS.
Vetrine della ricerca. Indagini su abiti, tessuti, archivi della moda
Visualization of the Heavens and Its Material Culture