Research Ethics and Methodological Challenges in Anthropology

Online Roundtables – Fall 2024

  • Data: dal 16 ottobre 2024 al 04 dicembre 2024

  • Luogo: Online on Zoom

This first cycle of roundtables aims at discussing ethical issues in anthropology by using the anthropology of reproduction and medical anthropology as privileged lenses to highlight research ethics and methodological challenges at the core of our discipline.
Anthropologists face numerous ethical dilemmas, some of which are present in every field, while others have peculiarities that can only be found in specific situations. Each roundtable will be organized on several themes related to different research stages: (1) before, (2) during, (3) after ethnographic fieldworks.
After the panel speakers conclude their presentations [each speaker will have a 10-minute time slot], the floor is opened for active participation from all the participants. The roundtable format is designed to promote a dynamic discussion where diverse perspectives can be shared and explored to deepen the understanding of ethical considerations within anthropology at large.

How to participate: roundtables are open to the public. Please, register here
For any questions:

Research projects, ethical reviews, and the bureaucratization of ethics

16th October, 4:30 pm 6:00 pm (CET)

Opening and welcome: Anna Chiara Fariselli (Head of the Department of Cultural Heritage, Università di Bologna)
Main Topics: Preliminary ethical assessments, legal framework, language and epistemology, negotiation of consent forms with national, international institutions, Ethics Committees.
Speakers: Ana Bravo Moreno (National Research Council, Madrid), Anne-Sophie Giraud (CNRS – LISST Centre d’Anthropologie Sociale), Noémie Merleau-Ponty (CNRS, Institut de Recherche Interdisciplinaire sur les Enjeux Sociaux), Giulia Zanini (Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia)
Chair: Corinna S. Guerzoni (Università di Bologna)
Zoom link

Negotiating access, negotiating trust, methodologies

30th October, 4:30 pm 6:00 pm (CET)
Main Topics: ethnographic research in legal ambiguity/fieldnotes, negotiating field access in complex contexts, challenges and limitations of online research, online recruitments.
Speakers: Risa Cromer (Purdue University), Julieta Chaparro (Cambridge University), Silvia De Zordo (Universitat de Barcelona), Anaïs Martin (Université du Québec en Outaouais)
Chair: Claudia Mattalucci (Università di Milano-Bicocca)
Zoom link

Power dynamics, objects, and vulnerability

13th November, 4:30 pm 6:00 pm (CET)
Main Topics: reciprocity and power dynamics, gender dimensions/inequalities, researchers’ positionality, principle of autonomy in contexts with subjects with a lack of autonomy.
Speakers: Anika König (Freie Universität Berlin), Ayo Wahlberg (Københavns Universitet), Viviana L. Toro Matuk (Ludes Lugano Campus), Yolinliztli Pérez-Hernández (Universität Bern)
Chair: Vanessa Grotti (Università di Bologna)
Zoom link

Results, analysis, responsibility, and dissemination

4th December, 4:30 pm 6:00 pm (CET)
Main Topics: analysis, dissemination of research among different audiences (i.e., interlocutors, policymakers, scholars).
Speakers: Alice Sophie Sarcinelli (Université Paris Cité), Angela Biscaldi (Università di Milano), Marcin Smietana (Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia), Taylor Riley (University College London)
Chair: Dario Nardini (Università di Padova)
Closing Remarks: Vincenzo Pavone (Head of IPP-CSIC Madrid)
Zoom link 

The events are part of InVitroFutures, a project that has been funded from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation program under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Grant Agreement No 101064972. PI and Convenor: Corinna S. Guerzoni